PT Leader: Kinetics playtime has 'Follywood' theme
Glamorous, trendy and chic people (with a klever Kinetic twist, naturally) are encouraged to attend and participate in this weekend's 24th annual Great Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Skulpture Race. The kostumed theme is "Follywood."
For newcomers to Port Townsend and Jefferson County, the Kinetic festival is unlike most anything you've ever seen. Imagine Halloween on steroids.
For those folks who have been around for past events, you know what is expected: kolorful kostumes, bribes for Kinetic Kops, and plenty of frivolity with the ultimate goal of mediocrity.
"It's a time to play," says Janet Emery, Kinetic High Priestess for Life. "We don't take ourselves too seriously."
Anywhere from 15 to 20 skulptures of varying sizes and professionalism are expected for the race. They range from hometown favorite Ray Grier's duct tape special to actual engineering marvels. (Read More)
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