Sunday, September 18, 2005

Kinetic Skulpture Race Video Blogging WorkShop Saturaday 2:30ish

A Video Blogging WorkShop will be held at Digital Port Townsend (215 Taylor Street, 2 doors down from the historic Rose Theater) for digital camcorder attendees of the 23rd Great Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Skulpture Race on Saturday October 1 around 2:30ish.

Digital Port Townsend has a Microsoft Media Center PC connected to a Optoma DLP Projector, a Kenwood surround-sound receiver and two tower Athena speakers.

The Video Blogging WorkShop will be held after the parade (noon) and the Brake/Floatation Tests.

The focus of the workshop will be to show attendees that participate in the two-day video blogging kontest how to shoot and upload video to the internet.


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