Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Kinetics playtime! Saturday Wanna-Be Parade, Rose Hips Ball; Sunday race

Kinetic kontraptions cruise along the water course in last year's version of the race. – Leader file photo

Formal attire (with a Kinetic twist, naturally) is advised for “Puttin’ on the Ritz,” the theme of this weekend’s 23rd annual Great Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Skulpture Race.

“We’re looking forward to a great weekend, and we’ll have fun even if the sun comes out,” says Janet Emery, Kinetic High Priestess for Life.

Seventeen skulptures had registered as of Tuesday morning, including one from California and two from Oregon. “In reality we’ll probably have in the 20s, so it will be a competitive field,” Emery notes.

Register your skulpture by calling Emery, 379-4972, at her Kinetic Koffee Kompany on Kearney Street in Port Townsend.

Kinetic skulptures must be human-powered and kapable of traversing paved roads, navigating Port Townsend Bay from Tyler Street beach to Monroe Street, the Kwicksand at Fort Worden State Park beach, and the glorious Dismal Bog mud pit at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. Kinetic racers and fans must be kapable of having fun without taking the event too seriously. Mediocrity is prized – so the skulpture that finishes in the middle of the pack wins the highest award. (more)


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